
It's official: we're dorks


Every other Saturday me and seven other guys sit around in Geoff's house pretending we're elves and dwarves living in a world full of magic and wonder. There is no cool way to talk about being a person that enjoys Dungeons and Dragons, and who cares, anyway? While everyone else is sitting and home with their significant other watching the latest summer-smash on dvd, us lucky few get to kick (imaginary) ass! This bi-weekly routine sets us apart. We sit hunched over a table for hours, rolling dice and arguing the semantics of rules, manuvering small painted miniatures, fighting over magic items and trying to stay alive: we are weekend warriors and wizards, and we couldn't be happier.

The Cast:

d-rok / "t", halfling bard

dane / kade, halfling monk

dave / stonez, half-orc barbarian

drew / maril, human cleric

geoff / dairmuid ("DER-mott"), elven ranger

jd / rankin, human cleric

payton / woller, human fighter

rick / stix, half-orc barbarian

sean / dm extraordinare

This blog is intended to record our progress, make disparging remarks about non-gamers which helps increase our self-esteems, provide a place for the players to gloat about killing all my monsters, and giving me a place where to gloat over the corpses of the dead players as an unsuspecting-looking level 20 goblin monk dances over their graves.To sum up: we're cool BECAUSE we game, and there is absolutly no chance that blogging about our imaginary adventures makes us dorky.

Sean, DM

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