

Lots has happened to our brave heroes since last we revisted their exploits...

The brave adventerers left Kae's Keep (aka Keep on the Borderland) under orders from Mathias, Castellian of the Keep, to find out more about the bandits several days journey to the east. Ivan, the mysterious wizard/cleric with a morbid preoccupation for death, discovered that Mathias' son, Stern, had turned his back on his father and joined the bandit's employ. Ivan tried to confront Mathias on the issue, but Mathias refused to talk about it, surprised and shocked that this stranger should know so much about his secret family history, and shamed to face the reality of his son's dishonor.

The adventerers headed down the road, but were attacked by a hungry wyvern. Dispatching it with relative ease, they began plotting on finding the wyvern's lair--when Finkus the Copper Dragon entered the scene. Finkus mislead the adventerers by telling them there was a cave several miles away which housed a fearsome foe. Despite any empherical evidence that they should take the mischevious dragon at his word, they foolheartedly took his advice, while Finkus hungerily devoured the wyvern's poisionous tail. The brave travellers were in for a surprise when they tracked down the lair to find it occupied by an annoyed Dire Bear. Ginna rushed to attack the beast (lacking common sense) and the fight was forced to take place on a steep ledge. After a fierce battle, the bear lay dead, but so did Kade the halfling monk, and Stix the half-orc barbarian. The PC's decided to go find the druid and reincarnate Stix, who, oddly enough, was reincarnated as a full-blooded orc. Kade, however, was laid to rest.

Picking up the bandit's scent, the PC's again left to accomplish their task, and after several days of tromping through the woods were ambused by several bandits. They handily dispatched them, but left a scrappy young woman--going by the name of Wedge--alive. She pointed out Stern's corpse when asked about it by Ivan. She agreed, after the PC's agreed to keep her alive and let her go if she cooperated, to lead them to the bandit's hide-out.

Meanwhile, Stonez the half-orc barbarian (brother of Stix), a human psion named Showbo, and T the halfling bard left Kae's Keep to catch up with the heroes. (Stonez had been incarcerated, but released by order of the Keep's Castellian so that he could deliver a letter to Ivan, who had last been seen leaving town with the other adventerers.) Along the way they too were ambushed by bandits and T was killed, but Showbo and Stonez caught the trail of the PC's. Stonez gave the letter to Ivan. It was a letter pleading Ivan's help in rescuing his son Stern, asking him to make sure Stern doesn't get killed. The letter had come eight hours too late.

The PC's are led by Wedge to the "secret entrance" to the moat house to meet the leader of the bandits, only to discover that a cadre of medusa's were in charge. A short battle followed that ended with eight statues.

Eleven years passed. The PC's were next aware of an old wizard by the name of Spunoir freeing them from their stoney prison. He led them back to his home in Hommlet and introduced them to key NPC's. The PC's then tried to enjoy themselves. The next day they found Spunoir missing, so went to investigate the moathouse. Learning of a blue dragon guarding the front door, they checked out the secret medusa lair and found a secret door leading to the underground chambers below the moat house.

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