
THE BIG FIX - patch version 9.0

Ok so after some conversations with Ryan, ray and Geoff about the current state of affairs, I'm thinking of flipping the campaign design on it's head a little - rather than having the campaign's story having level dependant aspects that because of a desire to see you succeed I end up having to adjust those requirements anyhow, how about I do the exact opposite, that if you find ways to quickly advance the plot to where it would ordinarily be outside of your reach for success - then I give or find cause to advance you along with the plot to the point where you can successfully complete those aspects. There will still of course be decisions that will be soo outside of the realm of consistency where I won't be able to do that, but those will be very minimal situations, so that the margin for error is as large as possible while still allowing for the possiblity of some risk involved/consequences.

Ok, so because of a couple decisions about characters doing their grand exit of the game before the plot I had tied to their backstory intended, I'm left in an awkard place of not really having many hooks to tie the current group together, BUT - never fear the great american railroad company has given me permission to thrust plot fixes upon you, and skip over all the nonsense that really doesn't apply to what is left of the current story arch.

So you might be saying, I don't want to ride this particular train - to that I say but you haven't even heard where it's going yet.

Wanna hear it? great - it's a go directly to 9th level, don't stop at any interim levels, and collect much loots in the form of new magical items. Yay!!!

Roughly you guys are going to awaken pelor in crusio who is going to make a deal with the group and empart some of his spiritual goodness into the group, as well as design some doo dads from his bag of creation trickets to help you along the way.

I believe we have in the party now items leveling 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 8, 8, 8, 9.

That leaves a 6, 7, 7, 9, 10 (for sixth to seven) then you still need, 8, 9, 10, 11 (for seven to eight) and 9, 10, 11, 12 (for eight to nine) and because expect to have you guys gaining a level each session for the next 3 sessions - 10, 11, 12, 13 (for nine to ten) these last four will be found in the course of your battles, and maybe this time I'll actually let a monster use a magic item that won't kill it when it does. - sucks to be U's guys right about now.

K, so get your noses in the books and min max like I know you can. j/k don't really do that, (not that I can stop you) but do try to find useful things that you will make you enjoy the character - if that lends itself to min max - so be it.

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