
David's Dungeons/Dragons 4.0 Anime Campaign Origin 10.21.08



This game is a loose rip off of several anime that I enjoy, something I could put together quickly for you guys and it hopefully all tie together from 1st to 30th coherently.

Given the ripped off nature of the game, certain world concepts and flavors are going to come into play.

1. All powers divine, arcane, and martial are all referred to asJutsu” and everyone no matter their training have their own capabilities and flavors of “Jutsu“, each manifesting in a different way and from a different source.

Arcane powers are “Ninjutsu” drawn from one’s own inner chakra and expelled into an effect.

Divine powers are “Genjutsu” drawn from the chakra that surrounds everyone and everything then expelled into an effect.

Martial powers are drawn purely from the body “Taijutsu” and use one’s own body to make physics work in miraculous ways.

At times the lines do blur and one may cross slightly into the other but the skill checks will always remain the same regardless of if a martial ability looks like an arcane or divine or vice versa.

2. Like 4.0 suggests magic, or in this case ninjutsu is rare but is still natural, and the populace at large can handle seeing the effects of low level ninjutsu without thinking their whole world has come unglued; however, they nor your characters are prepared to handle the extreme reality of higher level jutsu (Paragon to Epic Powers) and simply cannot believe it is possible at this point. Try to play like you don’t know at your next level you get that cool new I blast your face into the next plane thing.

3. Gods are like gods of our world, individuals have faith in them as they choose, argue, fight and persecute over them just as we do, but ultimately there is no proof of their existence that isn’t debated in some fashion by one side or another. Because the gods are not seen acting directly in the lives of the people at large. You can believe for RP that your power comes from a deity if you wish but it isn’t required, if you are a divine caster you must still have a firm belief in some guiding morality even if you don’t believe your power comes from it.

4. Other races of creatures do exist and even ‘monsters’ but these creatures are not perceived as supernatural unless I tell you otherwise, you should perceive them no differently than some critter you’ve never seen on the discovery channel for the first time – some creatures even if weird simply are natural to this world – while others seemingly perhaps less weird are in fact extremely unnatural for the world and should cause you great alarm.

Anything else just make a role and I’ll tell you how the RP should play out according to it.


Naruto - I'm using the concept of kingdoms using 'villages,' or hired military training academy, as the starting point with the abilities of D&D being explained as ninja arts. Also promoting early on a base of operations and a mission by mission setting.

Tenjho Tenge - I'm taking the concept of an inevitable destiny for the world, that the harder you try to prevent something the closer you get to making it happen. Also I'm pulling the four main characters story as the driving plot to resolve from 1st to 12th level. Can you find a way to escape your destiny, or do you even want to?

Bleach - I'm taking the concept of Spiritual Pressures, Artificial Souls, Soul guides, Bonded Weapons, the After life, and the battle between Salvation and Damnation. These concepts will be introduced from 1st to 12th but won't become truly pertinent until Paragon levels.



Dargenryo - The most influential of nearby Kingdoms because of their military power, that stems from the Kyotenichi Village Ninja.

Dargenichi - The primary state/province of the Dargenryo Kingdom, where most of the campaign action will take place.

Rygenhijo - The Crrent Capital City of the Dargenryo Kingdom, and the birth place of a new Capitalism supported Monarchy.

Kyoten - The Old Capital City of the Dargenryo Kingdom, which never fell during the revolution that over threw the previous monarchy.

Kyotenichi - The Hired Military Village bordering Kyoten City, recognized as the most prestigious military villages among the neighboring kingdoms.
ANIME VILLAGE TEMPLATE : Konohagakure (Naruto)


Aderyosuchi - The Hokage of Kyotenichi, sacrificed himself for the village, and plead with it's destroyer to trust in it's people to do what is necessary. (Dragonborn pristine Gold scales, Full plate bears the emblems of Bahamut)

Ryosuchi - The Headmaster of Kyotenichi's primary ninja academy Viso Adestra, Aderyosuchi's younger brother who has always been jealous of his brother's power and ability. (dragonborn scarred silver scales)

Sharina - Buxom youthful woman with silky long straight white hair, nimble movements, with a fox like jovialness that is encumbered by a deeper hidden saddness. Sister to Crusio of the Nobu-naga clan. (Eladarin)
ANIME CHARACTER TEMPLATE : Maya Natsume (Tenjho Tenge)

Lissera - Poised and proper young woman of elegant breeding, brown loosely curled hair, with glasses and fashion concealing her exaggerated femanine wilds. Daughter of Onigar.(Human, with odd hints of glitteringly blue metallic skin tones)
ANIME CHARACTER TEMPLATE : Mana Kuzunoha (Tenjho Tenge)

Cercators - A secret association of religious zealots who follow Bane and the Raven Queen, with their hands in every aspect of the world, these are truly the puppet masters of every major incident on the continent.

Onigar - The current aging co-leader of the Cercators, by will and power alone he seeks the vessel who will be worthy to replace him, the Demi Vaso, or otherwise known as the 'true martial artist.' Lisseras True Father. (Blue Dragon or blue scale dragon born)
ANIME CHARACTER TEMPLATE : Dogen Takayanagi (Tenjho Tenge)

Crusio - The founder of the jupin-naga, a club of students at Vaso Adestra who were assembled unwittingly with the sole purpose of learning from Crusio so that one day they would be strong enough to defeat him in battle, becoming worthy to be the next Demi Vaso. He is known to be the last of the Nobu-naga clan, and the wielder of the Reiki Nodachi (over sided cursed katana) named the Kyonaga. Covers the knowledge of his fated death at the hands of his closest friends with an overt sarcasm, and crass jovialness. Long white hair and unusually feable looking frame, with an eye patch over one eye and a leather bomber type jacket having a silver chinese dragon emblem on the back. (Eladrin)
ANIME CHARACTER TEMPLATE : Shin Natsume (Tenjho Tenge)

Demi Vaso - Bad latin for the Vessel of God. The person the Cercators seek to create to serve as a conduit for their demi-god's works on this plane of existence.
ANIME CHARACTER TEMPLATE : Mitsuomi Takay (Tenjho Tenge)

Labisis - the 4th gate of the Cercator, serving to test and strengthen the ability of the Jupin-naga as the final step before a battle with Onigar and Crusio. Completely willing to die in service of the cercator cause. Young lizard like humanoid male of green scales will blunt nasal cavities and clawed hands/feet. (Githzerai)
ANIME CHARACTER TEMPLATE : Gara of the Sand (Naruto)

Baringo - the 3rd gate of the Cercator, serving to test and strengthen the ability of the Jupin-naga as the final step before a battle with Labisis. Completely willing to die in service of the cercator cause. Adult female with black hair and ravenlike wings, with taloned feet. (Blood fire Harpy)

Arryota - the 2nd gate of the Cercator, serving to test and strengthen the ability of the Jupin-naga as the final step before a battle with Baringo. Completely willing to die in service of the cercator cause. Crone female with white beleagered features and diseased body under robes of rotted moss. (Howling Hag)

Lotus - the lost sister of Crusio and Sharina, locked away in the Liloth tower of deceit & illusions. Potentially the vessel of the Raven Queen herself. Similar features to Sharina, but sandy brown hair, and more coy innocence with a seemingly programmed flirtaciousness with members of the Jupin-naga. (Eladrin)
ANIME CHARACTER TEMPLATE : Aya Natsume (Tenjho Tenge)


Players begin the campaign between the ages of 12-16 in the village of Kyotenichi. The players each choose their own backstory fitting into the general concept of a Naruto based world where a major revolution just occurred within the Kingdom of Dargenryo, that caused the capital city to change to Rygenhijo, and potentially shift the village from it's traditional home of Kyoten.

After the players have selected a backstory for their characters, the DM introduces Crusio as described above. He will form the unchartered club known as the Jupin-naga - the club is created according to Crusio so the Players will prove their characters worthy of joining the Vaso Adestra Ninja Academy. The players will be introduced by Crusio to Vaso Adestra's Headmaster Ryosuchi, who will demonstrate a clear disapproval of Crusio's unruly attitudes and behaviors, but will eventually approve the Jupin-naga for their first mission, "Trial of the Fire Caves."

Ryosuchi explains the Players have been hired by the Lady of a nearby rivers mining town, they are instructed to go to the mining town find the Lady and resolve the issue of the Fire Caves. The successful completion of the mission will give the Jupin-naga their necessary Charter to enter the academy as a squad - also rewarding them with 1/4th of 1st to 2nd level's wealth (reference DMG wealth by level table).




Sean said...

Yeah, I find this to be very handy. This is pretty much awesome.

Shirolotus said...

I'm hoping to be thorough with it for the group members joining us late or just need a refresher.

Anonymous said...

but how would they lvl up?