
Well, here is the ol' d&d blog

You can make a post about a current campaign, character development, world development, new d&d materials, new concepts, etc. Then, while you are on the edit post page (the same page you make new posts on) look at the bottom right box; that is where you can put labels. So every time I put up specific information for my dragonborn priest in david's campaign, i can put the label "Finn" or "David's campaign" or "character backstory" or "character development" or whatever. Then, you can quickly reference everything with a given label (David's campaign, for instance) and see all the posts relevant to that label. This blog can be a nice tool for keeping up with campaign information and whatnot.

you can insert hyperlinks by using the little icon of the world with the chain link on it (between the italics and quotation icons), and insert pictures or videos by those other icons.

That's pretty much it.


Shirolotus said...

So I'm thinking maybe we start a summary page for the current campaign so we can all review the current material and give character perspectives if anyone so desires. Just to kind of put it all in one place and maybe give a good place to regroup the out of session side quest materials.

Sean said...

Yeah, that's pretty much what I had in mind. I felt like this campaign in particular has lots of stuff to keep up with, with all the secret factions and cults and what not. To give ourselves the best chance to not be working for bad guys, we need to get our information straight. And the character development might be fun, too.