
After the meeting with the Raven Queen and Rukia, Sun is starting to think that maybe she is not as powerful as she says she is. However he does start to show his fanaticism to the Raven Queen. Every thing to the letter, dotting all "I's" and crossing all the "T's." His interpretation of the religion and beliefs of the Raven Queen are very cut and dry, black and white. Any grey areas brought up by Rukia especially will be questioned to the Raven Queen. That is unless Rukia catches wise and stops making questionable comments.

Then forever after, Sun's trust and acceptance of Rukia's lead will strictly be out of desire to get it over with and be done with her. He strongly desires the spear of his uncle's to continue his quest of redemption, which probably is mistaken for desire of the power it holds.

Over the next year, Sun will slowly become more dark and uncaring. His view of this whole matter is that it steps in the exact opposite direction and they are losing ground on the big picture. However he does maintain his friendship with Finn, overlooking Finn's new 'sorority girl' phase.

Also, to physically display his disgust of this waste of time, he commissions a mask to be made that resembles the ones worn by the egyptian immortals from 300. He also dye's all his apparel black, and blacks his metal possessions as well.

As for my items I would like

Reckless Spear +2 (lvl 8)
Amulet of Protection (lvl 6) +2 to fort, reflex, will defenses
(unless I find a better set of armor for level 6 when I see the Adventurers Vault)


Sean said...

I'll make you some warm-up's with "striker" on the ace, if you want?

Shirolotus said...

only if you make a matching pair for youself, you can start your own prep boy frat.