
A year off

Finn is glad to have a year off to train with the people he hopes to join the ranks of after he falls to battling the raven queen's enemies, old age, sickness, or whatever his future holds. He will spend much time in philosophical discussion concerning all living creatures, souls, mod weapons and the entities wihin the weapns, cercators, llolth, and how cercators and lloth are related (more of a political than philosophical discussion, that last one is).

He agrees that mod weapons are far too dangerous to be weilded by us, and gladly gives up his until such a time that he could weild it safely. He decides the best way to get his weapon back is to earn it, and decides he will prove himself worthy.

He will trade in his lvl seven weapon, along with his plus one holy symbol, and if necessary use unspent golds to get a buffed up holy symbol. Also, he will get a pair of warm-up pants with "leader" written on the seat.

He is fully devoted to and on board with this soul reaver business, especially how it relates to the raven quuen's business. He asks about tacticts for fighting the shadow/Wraith things. The political association of the soul reavers (whether they like it or not, they are the enemy of both the cercators and lloth, so an organized resistance is, in the opinion of Finn, a critical development); to remain underground, whether we should be recruiting, etc. These concerns would be of great importance for Finn.

1 comment:

Shirolotus said...

So you only have a day with the queen, but in that time she will give you many in sights in hopes that when you pass and become a pure soul you will gain entry into the soul society and perhaps her own squad. You pick up on something in here tone that says to you this may never happen, but you can't figure out why. (These secrets though are only revealed to you now because she will consider no other option at this point, you've crossed the point of no return, because of your spiritual awareness you will be hunted by hollows whether you wish it or not)

Yet while she will tell you the basics of the soul society and the material world, she will only talk about those things that are in relation to you and defending yourself and others from the Hollows, most everything with regards to the Soul Society is off limits even for a spiritually enlightened such as yourself, saying only it isn't the destination that matters but the journey you have along the way,

"While the destination may be the same for each of us, that only makes the journey that much more important, remember this when you battle in my name. Life my boy is just as precious as death, but it is far more tenuous and fraggile - honor the sons and daughters of Pelor for the honored of his house have trials that test the spirit far more than my own." Your insight tells you that the Queen spoke with a loving tone with regard to Pelor, she looks at you and your innocent devotion, she removes an amulet that hangs from her neck and tells you, "You must do what I cannot, you will seek out the other captains and when you find Pelor please return this." She takes a hidden amulet she wears around her neck beneath her kimono, it is a symbol for pelor.

Until that time use it well, and remember what I've told you as you now are my herald perhaps even my only prophet in this world. Roughly this will be that replacement upgraded item until you get your mod soul weapon back.