
Coffee with Finn

Merry the Jolly: Hi, this is Merry the Jolly here. I am interviewing an adventurer named Fine and he--
Finn: Excuse me? Yes, excuse me, but it is Finn. Not Fine. Finn. As in dorsal fin. See, I have a crest on my head.
MtJ: Oh. Well. Finn? (yes) Finn. Yes. Well, moving along. I am doing a project for the school paper, and they told me to interview a local celebrity, and I'm not even getting paid or anything, and I actually had to give him....but that is ok...but I'm not sure how this recorder device really works...anyway, um, Finn? Finn. Finn. Does anyone ever call you Finn MacKool?
F: .......... I don't get it.
MtJ: Right. Ok, this should be fun...(sigh) Ok, why don't we start with "What does he or she do?"
F: I am the humble servant of the Glorious Raven Queen, and also am a professional adventurer.
MtJ: Oh, professional! That sounds fun. Now, the next one..."What is the philosophy of him or her, and how does that effect their work, family, etc.?"
F: Life is a serious of obstacles and tests. How the individual responds to these tests dictates the growth and development of the soul. It is not about winning, it is about how one overcomes these events. The Raven Queen is the keeper of the life cycle. Birth, growth, death, rebirth, etc. You wouldn't understand this, Merry, because you're just a kid, and you're what, a bard? Last I checked they don't even have that class written up. So you don't even have any skill points. I'm surprised they let you read and write! But adventuring is hard work. There are lots of tests and trials...and puzzles, lots of puzzles...but if you overcome, you can earn exp and gain new powers and whatnot. Back when I was level one, breathing a spout of cold-based dragon-like-breath was pretty much the coolest thing I could do. Now I can Command a monster from up to ten squares away, and if it works properly, I can push them back a number of squares equal to my CHA modifier. That means Charisma. And its +4. So yeah...I don't really have a family. Well, I assume I have one, but I never met them. I'm an orphan. Monks in a secluded mountain temple to the Raven Queen reared me up. Does that answer your question?
MtJ: What? Oh, I am sorry. I think I just fell asleep.
F: You know, I just remembered I didn't tell anyone where I went. We were taking an extended rest at the magic hag swamp, and I was on guard duty, and I was just sneaking back to town real quick to get my adventurer's kit resupplied while everyone else was asleep. It's been like four days. They're probably worried about me. Look, kid, good luck on your project, but I gotta go!
MtJ: Oh. Well, I guess this will have to work then because I gave you my lunch money for the rest of the month. So now I'm broke. Actually, could you pay for the cappuccinos before you bust outta here?
F: Sorry kid, I'm late. I hope it all works out for you. Here's a picture of me, but I don't have time to sign it. Ok? Ok, bye-o!
MtJ: That was the worst 25gp I ever spent.


Shirolotus said...

Wow that Merry must have rich parents, 25gp for one month's lunch money.

So uuh for the general fun chronicalling the adventures of Finn, I'll aware you with a Potion of Hyper Activity other wise known as a cappuccino, giving you one additional standard action in the round you drink it.

Woo hoo coffee head rush! Pass it along and maybe we can get some of the other guys involved in the fun.

Sean said...

And I officially have dibs on the bard, whenever they come out with one. It'll be Merry the Jolly goth kid. He is full of teen-aged angst, but no matter how dark and brooding he gets, everyone finds it irresistibly charming.

Shirolotus said...

creepy. yet, I can't help but feel good about it... is that wrong? ha!

Andrew Miner said...

I could have sworn that Merry the Jolly was a chick. I mean the long hair, the 'dress'?, and the makeup. And maybe a bit more emo than you perhaps care to admit. However, when the bard comes out how is finn going to exit the grand scheme of things? Oh, is that a cappucchino?
I guess he could just seppoku on his scythe, however that would work, and become a dragon thingy and give himself to Merry. Oh, whats that over there?

Glug, glug, glug... Sppffffxxxxxxxx...
Ouch, that coffee was hot.

Sorry I spit your coffee all over you. I was tasty what little I got down. I'll have another if you don't mind.